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/ Scientific American: The Amateur Scientist / Scientific American - The Amateur Scientist (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso / amsci01 / 1975 / 10 / 1975-10-04.jpeg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2000-09-11  |  67KB  |  652x434  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: arcade machine | cabinet | car | clock | crt screen | earth | lamp | plaything | sculpture | sky | table | theater light | windowpane
OCR: heavy rubber band opening in slit screen two- -sided mirror and hold oown bracket hinge lens sheet metal mirror wood drilled and tappod metal suppor block metal pou adjusting stot mirror wood table slit carbon electrode optical axis rotating col M MSI no lens mirror 235 screw ootical bench DaS oracket waoe djustin slot